Thank you doesn't seem sufficient to honor the sacrifices made. Veterans Day, 11.11.22.
about 2 years ago, Long Branch Elementary
vet day
Save the dates! The BOOK FAIR will be here SOON!
about 2 years ago, Long Branch Elementary
Book Fair Flyer
Next week, October 24-28, is Red Ribbon Week! We can't wait to see all of our students participating in these fun dress up days!
over 2 years ago, Long Branch Elementary
RRW Flyer
Tomorrow is fall picture retake day! Bring your best smiles!
over 2 years ago, Long Branch Elementary
Picture Day 2
Yearbook sales begin TODAY! Go online using the link or send cash or a check to school. Prices will go up in January, so be sure to order yours today!
over 2 years ago, Long Branch Elementary
Sneak Peek Night at LBES is next Thursday, September 8! Make plans to come and see what your child has been learning!
over 2 years ago, Long Branch Elementary
sneak peek
Save the date for our NED Show assembly! NED's Mindset Mission is a character education program that centers around three important messages that have lifelong relevance: Never give up, Encourage others and Do your best. During the assembly on September 13th, our students will learn about the importance of these three life skills while also enjoying storytelling, magic, humor and yo-yo tricks. Yo-yo's will also be available for purchase after the show and for five days afterwards. The last day for yo-yo sales will be September 20th.
over 2 years ago, Long Branch Elementary
Ned 2
Bring your best smile!
over 2 years ago, Long Branch Elementary
picture day
Time is almost up before our LBES GLOW Fun Run TOMORROW!!!! Here are a few reminders before your student(s) participate in the big event: 😴Have your student(s) get a good night’s rest. Our event will be about 30 minutes of movement. 👟Make sure your student(s) wear appropriate foot and clothing attire to move and groove. ❗️Log final donations TODAY on MYBOOSTER.COM❗️ If we exceed our goal and raise $15,000, Mrs. Beckworth will get SLIMED!!! Thanks for your continued support of our school!
over 2 years ago, Long Branch Elementary
fun run 5
Did someone say “BONUS!” Oh, yes, it was us! 👀 Our school has been working hard over the past few weeks to help us reach our goal of $12,000. To say “thank you” (and help us keep raising funds), we’ve got a BONUS PRIZE for students to earn THIS WEEKEND ONLY by getting donations. Sixty dollars in flat donations or $2 per lap raised will earn students a bonus prize, in addition to any other prizes they may have earned. Check out for details! Thanks for helping our school raise funds this year and have a great weekend!!
over 2 years ago, Long Branch Elementary
weekend challenge
Last year's fundraiser made around $15,000! We used over $7,000 of that money to help boost our media center by purchasing new books! We also purchased Lego kits for STEAM, playground balls, house system rewards, and so much more! Every dollar helps our school and goes directly to our students! Tonight's challenge is the "treat your teacher" challenge. The class with the most NEW pledges on will earn a gift card for their teacher. Remember, even if you can't donate, every share helps us get closer to our goal! Thank you for your support of this AWESOME fundraiser!
over 2 years ago, Long Branch Elementary
fun run
Long Branch Elementary School families! We’re on our way to reaching our goal of $12,000 for learning extensions and educational resources but we need YOUR help! 💻 Register your student(s) on (They’ll get a FREE reward!) 🤩Create your Student Star Video on (If you haven’t already, check these out, they’re awesome!) 🎁 Share your student star video with friends and family. If you are able, please consider donating to our school. (Reminder: all students get to participate in our fundraiser, no matter your ability to give!) Our students are so excited, thanks for helping make our fundraiser great! 🙌🏼
over 2 years ago, Long Branch Elementary
fun run 3
Long Branch Elementary School families, your student(s) can be a part of making history! How?! Head to MYBOOSTER.COM to register your student for our fundraiser and make a Student Star Video on Click the “Share Button” to share with 3 people that you know! This year we’re trying to reach our goal of $12,000 for learning extensions and educational resources. Each “share” and donation gets us closer to our goal. Thanks for participating & making a difference here at Long Branch Elementary School!
over 2 years ago, Long Branch Elementary
SSV challenge
Our Long Branch Elementary School Fun Run kicked off today, and we are thrilled about this year’s program! This year, our entire school is raising funds for learning extensions and educational resources. Our goal is to raise $12,000, and, if you’d like to, we are inviting YOU to help! Here’s how you can support Long Branch Elementary School: 1. Register on tonight. It’s so easy! 2. Share about our fundraiser with your family and friends using the SHARE BUTTON on 3. Give a donation, if you are able. Thank you for supporting our school!. We can’t wait for the Long Branch Elementary School Fun Run happening on 08/23/2022!
over 2 years ago, Long Branch Elementary
FR 1
Mrs. Beth Dix has been named Long Branch Elementary's Teacher of the Year! We are proud to have her represent our school! Congratulations to Mrs. Dix!
over 2 years ago, Long Branch Elementary
Beth Dix
There's been more state-level recognition for our Long Branch Braves! These fifth grade students were winners in the Daughters of the American Revolution poster contest. First place winners at both local and state levels were Angie, Kailyn, Sarah, and Harmony. Not only did this group win at the state level, but they also took 2nd place in the Southeastern Regional competition. Dax won first place at the local level for his poster. Reagan, Ethan, and Jesse won second place at the local level. Be on the lookout for their work in the public library this summer where it will be on display!
over 2 years ago, Long Branch Elementary
1st place DAR
1st DAR
2nd DAR
Congratulations to our newly elected house leaders!
over 2 years ago, Long Branch Elementary
House Leaders
Congratulations to our 2022-2023 Morning News Crew!
over 2 years ago, Long Branch Elementary
News Crew
LCHS is hosting a soccer camp!
over 2 years ago, Long Branch Elementary
soccer camp
Congratulations to Long Branch's own Emma Claire who won the Young Georgia Authors State Level Honorable Mention for 3rd Grade! Way to go!
over 2 years ago, Long Branch Elementary