Dr. Alldred's Environmental Science class learned how to work together to solve a problem - the spirit of inquiry!
LCHS Recognizes the Best in the Profession! It's National School Counselor's Week-Thank you for all that you do!
Student Book Club for 2nd semester meets to read Tuesdays with Morrie
Circle Up LC: Week of Feb 2 - Feb 9
Our local livestock show, "Heifers in the Hills", will be held at the livestock facility on campus tomorrow. The show will begin at 9:00am and usually wraps up between 3-4:00pm. We will have close to 100 calves on campus, representing some of the best exhibitors in North GA. Around 20 Lumpkin County FFA members, middle and high school, will be showing off their work as well.
If you don't have any plans, stop by the FREE event and enjoy some of the locally "famous" boiled peanuts and sweet tea while you support the work our students pour into their livestock projects.
Congratulations to senior Jonathan Wright on being named the 2025 LCHS PAGE STAR Student. Jonathan selected Mr. Don Brock, math teacher at LCHS as his STAR Teacher. Jonathan has earned the recognition for academic achievement and top performance on the SAT for the Class of 2025. The PAGE Student Teacher Achievement Recognition (STAR) program is sponsored, administered, and promoted by the Professional Association of Georgia Educators (PAGE) and the PAGE Foundation. Since its inception in 1958 the STAR program has honored nearly 29,500 students and the teachers selected as the most influential to their academic achievement. High school seniors must have the highest score on a single test date on the SAT and be in the top 10 percent or top 10 students of their class based on grade point average to qualify for STAR nomination.
Congratulations Jonathan!
Local Scholarships
Periodic Table Models
Circle Up LC: Week of January 26 - February 2
Our Local scholarship application is ready in the counseling office along with two other paper applications.
Board of Commissioners recognizes CTE Month
Circle Up LCHS: Week of Jan.19-Jan26
Inquiring Minds!
Circle Up LCHS: Week of January 5th
Visual Art students visited the High Museum in Atlanta. They received a grant that provided free admission and a return pass for their family. The highlight of the trip was the behind the scenes tour of the modeling room by Elizabeth Harwood. She is a LCHS/UGA alumni and is currently working at the High Museum.
UNG Nighthawks Gaming Convention!! Over 200 board games, Magic the Gathering, Warhammer, Dungeons and Dragons, games throughout the day, panels on gaming related topics, miniature painting workshops, how to plays and more!
Time Change for 1/3/25
Circle Up LCHS: Week of December 29th - January 5th
Looking to make a difference?
A special thanks to The Bridge Church Dahlonega. This fall, through their Be Rich Campaign, they raised funds to bless our community. Mrs. Zdroba of the Modern Language Department received a generous donation. Thanks for enriching our youth!